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Forget Me Not

Forget Me Not




Forget-me-not is an old standard for the garden or landscape, and this variety is a subtropical one. The charming blue blossoms grow en masse on the stem and look best when a few plants are planted together at the end of a bed or corner of the garden. They are semi-perennial, grow to about 3 feet high, and after blooming the stalk will set seed. If you do not want the seed germinating and coming up under the plant (hence the name Forget-Me-Not) you can cut back the whole plant when they are all finished blooming down to a few inches above the soil and they will come back and bloom again. They also grow well in containers. The stems can be cut and used in cut flower arrangements. The plants are hardy and easy to grow but look delicate and feathery.


Both butterflies and bees are attracted to these blue beauties which have a long blooming period. They can be grown in any season in Hawai’i. A great addition to your growing mix of flowers, herbs, and vegetables.



Full Sun

Depth: 1/4 - 1/2" deep

Spacing: 6-12 inches apart 

Maturity: 2-3 months

Germination: 7 to 10 days

Start seeds in small pots and transplant or plant directly into garden soil.

Flowers are edible and have interesting medicinal uses and folklore.

25 seeds per packet

Seeds grown in Kainaliu in mauka Kona


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